Can you rely 100% on your suppliers? Too often that's not the case.

Misunderstandings during project briefings, unclear processes, mistakes that take time and money to rectify – and the inevitable reworking and delays that result – are all too prevalent in this industry.

How do you manage your suppliers? The PLF team includes Chinese nationals who are native speakers. We understand the cultural differences between the Western world and China. This is extremely helpful in avoiding common issues and improving efficiency.

Team members being based in the UK serves as a strategic alignment with the companies we collaborate with in both the UK and Europe. The synergy between the teams in China and UK enhances operational efficiency significantly. This setup allows for seamless continuity-while China team diligently works on projects, production, and shipments with factories and forwarders, UK team take over communication with Western companies when the UK and EU business hours commence. This synchronized approach ensures a smooth and continuous workflow across different time zones.